Rwenzori Porters: Dedicated & well trained

Rwenzori Porters are a dedicated & well trained  team of males/females (18-45 years) who help carry luggage in Rwenzori Mountains National Park

The Rwenzori Porters are a committed group of females and males although women are a smaller number of porters due to the tough situations, and sometime the amount of the luggage over weighs them when climbing the Rwenzori mountains. The Rwenzori Porters aim at helping Rwenzori trekking clients, by carrying their belongings depending on the scheduled number of days for trekking the Rwenzori Mountains national Park with or without the margherita peak.

Rwenzori mountains portersMost of these men and women porters who are hired alongside a team of experienced & trained guides are between the age of 18 to 45 years, and are capable enough to track their way up through the Rwenzori Mountains in Rwenzori mountains national Park, although sometimes are

It is only through their commitment and ability, that hiking the Rwenzori Mountains has been made easy.

What A Rwenzori Mountains’ Porter Does in Rwenzori Mountains National Park.

The Rwenzori porters’ main work is to carry enough luggage (at most 22kgs) that’s necessary for the whole crew climbing up the Rwenzori Mountains, which includes each clients’ personal gear such as tents, sleeping bags, food, medical kits, stretchers, and any garbage that’s through the trek.

While trekking to your camp, as you make your way up the Rwenzori mountains, willing that your limbs do not give up on you, the Rwenzori porters speed up with your heavy luggage, so that you find all things set up for you by the time you arrive into camp.

The Rwenori porters also fetch all the water from the Rivers that’s used for cooking, cleaning, and drinking. They also help the cook prepare and serve the food, and clean the dishes afterward.


As trekkers climb further to the higher altitudes, porters usually cheer them up, making sure that they have their back with positive complements , every step of the way, until they accomplish their Rwenzori Mountain dream of hiking. generally, have your back – giving you positive compliments along the way.

After a whole day’s trek,  the porters then converge and cook together, fetch water from the river, and rest in a hall type room with few Mattresses.

Are Rwenzori Mountains National Park Porters Paid?

Since the luggage size for each porter is 22kg, they are entitled to a fixed payment of $$10 per day, however, sometimes they also benefit from the frequent tips, in which they rely on to continuously feed their family. Most Rwenzori mountains climbers offer large tips, than they ordinarily would with the aim that it will help them more often.

What are some of the challenges that these Rwenzori porters face?

Apart from Male Porters, there also a handful of female porters. Being a female porter isn’t easy, as most Rwenzori mountains climbers prefer males, and are overlooked

Some porters have limited gear to go up the mountain such as trekking shoes, warm jacket, sleeping bags, yet temperatures are extremely cold, especially during the night. This becomes increasingly problematic when temperature begin to drop, which forces them to sleep under poor circumstances thus leading to health deterioration.

However, the Rwenzori service providers like Rwenzori Mountaineering service offers fair porter treatment & charging prices to our trekkers.


Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) is pleased to announce the resumption of hiking activities to Margherita Peak in Rwenzori Mountains National Park. Following a temporary suspension due to safety concerns, UWA has successfully implemented safety enhancements to ensure the well-being of all hikers.
Key among these improvements is the construction of a bridge across the crevasse in the Margherita glacier. This bridge, along with additional climbing ropes installed in collaboration with our partners in the park, will enable safe passage through the challenging sections of the trail. With these safety measures now in place, hiking to Margherita Peak can safely resume. We are confident that these enhancements will provide a safer and more enjoyable experience for all visitors seeking to summit one of Africa’s most iconic peaks.
We continue to encourage visitors to explore not only Margherita Peak but also the other stunning peaks within Rwenzori Mountains National Park, including Mount Speke, Mount Baker, and Cheptegei Peak on the Stanley Range. Each of the routes to these peaks offers a unique adventure, showcasing the breathtaking beauty and diversity of the Rwenzori Mountains.
UWA will maintain close monitoring of the hiking routes to ensure ongoing safety and will provide updates as needed.

We look forward to welcoming adventurers back to the heights of Rwenzori Mountains National Park.